Last January I got wonderful news from the Ohio Art League- my work was accepted to be exhibited at First Commonwealth Bank in the Short North Arts District. Not only that, but I would also have a reception for it at the district’s monthly Gallery Hop.
I was very excited and given the choice of a few months, I picked September.
The months went by quickly, and soon it was time for me to hang my show. What an adventure that was! There was ample space but many different sized walls, even a curved one!
Window shot of my exhibit from the street.
After two days, and lots of measuring and remeasuring (measure twice, nail once- was my motto!), my show was up. I even put up a table with cards and prints.
A few days later I arrived back for the Gallery Hop. The tellers at the bank were wonderful. They set out cookies, juice, and even a popcorn machine for all my guests. And a DJ! He was a friend of theirs who wanted to drum up some business, while providing me with a great ambiance.
I was so happy to see many familiar faces. My family came, many friends, and lots of people off the street. It was such a wonderful night!
My show will be up for a little while longer. It goes down at the end of September. First Commonwealth Bank is located at 647 N. High St. The hours there are Mon.-Thurs. 9-5, Fri. 9-6, and Sat. 10-noon.
Please catch it while you can!